Home by Dark is now available; Con updates

Home by Dark is Now Available!

After many months of hard work, Home by Dark is now available on DriveThruRPG! Our digital release of the book has been released and is now available for purchase! It's been rather crazy getting the finishing touches on the book. The final week was spent, sun up to sun down, on this thing. We're very happy how it came out!

We're now waiting for our proof copy of the softcover book so we can make sure it is at the same quality as the digital copy. Once that's done, we'll launch it as well as a digital/physical bundle!

Convention News

I have some good news and some bad news.

First, the bad news. It sounds like Emerald City Comicon's Games on Demand may be full, so we may not participate in it this year. However, I do intend to bring Home by Dark with me and run it in the gaming area. If anyone would care to volunteer time helping with this, please contact me. I'd love to find someone to help organize and possibly someone to also facilitate the game with me.

On the other side, we just purchased our badges for GenCon 2017. We'll be at the 50th anniversary con and we intend to run Home by Dark, along with one or two of our other upcoming unannounced projects, at the con. We'll provide more news as the event draws closer.

That's it for now! Have a great week, everyone!

- Jason