Protagonist Industries

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Busy Times... Good Times...

Hey gang,

I'm sorry that there hasn't been much news in the last month coming from PI. It's been rather busy over here. In the span of five weeks, we've:

  • Demonstrated Home by Dark at Gamestorm and Norwescon
  • Moved the business to a new location
  • Completed shipments on our Kickstarter

However, there is one thing noticably absent:

  • Released first free Home by Dark playset for everyone to enjoy

That one is coming very soon. It's almost complete and art will soon be completed for it.

There is one other thing that is absent from the list that has happened though:

That's right! Home by Dark may be showing up in stores near you! We're very excited about this news. It's kind of a dream come true to see one of our books in stores! We'll give more details once we have it! If you want to see our game in your store, tell your local store owner to stock us through Indie Press Revolution!

I've also been writing notes for a three-part postmortem of the Kickstarter. It'll go into quite a bit of detail on how we planned, ran, and fulfilled the Kickstarter. The intention is that it'll help other people planning Kickstarters of their own.

That's it for now. Have a great week!

- Jason